Install The Base Game “EP4062-CUSA27043_00-DEADISLAND2GAME1-A0100-V0103-CyB1K.pkg” Then Install This Update (No Fixes Required)

Special thanks to jocover for his AIO fix once again! Special thanks to The World ismine and xmrallx!

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 Backport! Phew! That was a lot of patching! Game includes a mysterious DLC that im not sure if its future or doesnt work at all! Its called Red’s Demise, there is information about it in the DLC Pack. All DLCs are unlocked at specifically stated places ingame! Wouldnt be a Caturday without a CyB1K Day! 😛


By CyB1K