Thank @AntiSocialSingh
No one converted these and couldn’t find them anywhere. Enjoy the classics. Tested on 9.00.
GIVE CREDITS WHERE DUE. If you post my uploads or links on other forums, Give credit to my username “AntiSocialSingh”.
Someone named ‘Alferdpaker’ was given credit for my ‘Road Rash [1994] (PSX2PS4)’ Release on a popular PS Hacks forum. Give credit where due, I bought premium MediaFire storage solely to contribute to the scene. Thanks.
Sands of Time – Cutscenes stutter and Lag. Press X or Start to skip cutscenes. Gameplay ok. Playable till the end. 30fps patch applied in-game.
WW – Playable till the end. (Rewinding time might give issues)
T2T – Playable till the end. (Rewind-time issue, Facial textures might be off or broken sometimes)
Feel free to inform any other glitches or issues you face in the game while playing in the comments.