
Hello everyone. Here’s a very special release of Bloodborne. Now available is the never before public release of the debug menu. This was restored by GeneticEnginer. I’ve put together several different update packages. Both contain the latest update 1.09, the debug menu, the Great One Beast restored mod by foxyhooligan, and Lance McDonald’s 60fps patch. The two options include a 1080p and 720p version. I highly recommend the 720p version if you actually want 60fps. Also available is the stock 1.09 update and all DLC. For those wondering this is essentially the same as the GOTY version plus all the extras.

60FPS Patch
I feel like this needs no introduction. The 60fps patch was created by Lance McDonald and modifies the game to run at an unlocked framerate. There’s two options available – 1080p and 720p. If you actually want 60FPS download the 720p version. GeneticEnginer had to modify the 720p patcher to work with the debug menu. I went ahead and applied these changes to the 1080p version so both are available.

Great One Beast Restored Mod
The Great One Beast is a boss that was cut from Bloodborne. This mod done by foxyhooligan restores him to complete working order. You can purchase the Great One Chalice to fight this boss. The boss fight takes place in the cut area The Lake of Mud.

The Debug Menu
You can open the debug menu at any time by pressing the left side of the touchpad. While the menu is open O is enter and X is cancel. Please be aware that some options may not do anything or may even cause the game to crash (debug dash and free cam do not work). Here’s a little cheat sheet to get you started. I encourage everyone to explore and see what it can do.

Enable invincibility, disable enemy ai, unlimited stamina and magic and more

Disable HUD
Game Data > Option Data > FE Visible (set to No)

Adjust stats and add all weapons, gear, items, good, etc
Game Data > Option Data > Player Game Data (Local Player)

Have fun with this. If you have PSN activated your jailbroken PS4, you can absolutely modify your character, save, then transfer that save to your official PS4 or PS5 and have everything you added/modified available. Of course, the debug menu itself will be gone.