PS2toPS4 GTA SA : Project Kaizo 2.2 – Widescreen patches, (dont forget to set widescreen in game settings) Fixed broken saves and some crashes.

Problems : Lags during intro (DO NOT OPEN XMB DURING INTRO, SKIP IT) and when changing clothes or hairstyles.

Apart from that everything works great. Its fully playable.

NOTE from Kaizo M (Mod Dev) :

This is last update includes small improvements and fixes of the only bugs that were reported to me in my Discord. Any bugs that come out after this version will remain as is.

First player
L1 + LEFT create respawn point
L1 + RIGHT open cheat menu
L1 + DOWN open cleo mods menu
R1 + RIGHT open skin selector menu
L1 + L2 + TRIANGLE + R1 + R2 + SQUARE free us from softlock
RIGHT + TRIANGLE Deactivate current cleo mod

Second player
PAUSE to appear/disappear
L1 + RIGHT to use skin selector
L1 + LEFT teleport to side of first player
L1 + R3 attach to first player’s vehicle

Other instructions like how to use mods are explained in-game.



April 2nd, 2021
– Official release of the mod.

April 12, 2021
– Fixed that some menu options did not match.
– Never to be searched, Freeze time and Invincibility options work correctly.
– The Life’s Beach mission van will have the doors unlocked from the beginning.
– Some texts were modified.
– Fixed that Forum Mix Mods files the second player could not delete all the characters in the missions.
– The copyright screen for the NTSC version is now in English.
– Stability when abusing the skin selector of the second player.

April 4th, 2022
– Portuguese language available (GXT is downloaded separately | included in PAL version).
– English text correction.
– New presentation in the copyright screen as well as mod logo.
– The cheat menu is faster to open, as long as the second player is not present, and you don’t have many options activated.
– Changed all josytick icons to Dpad in the mod help texts.
– Added more youtubers skins.
– Improved experience on previously included options. Now a large part of the mod allows you to vary values using the josytick, instead of choosing already set values.
– In Player you can modify player stats (max health, weapon skill, stamina, lung capacity, fighting styles, etc…).
– In Appearance, you can no longer change clothes, hair… etc, if the character is not CJ.
– In Appearance, the use of the skin selector was greatly improved, as well as the ability to create pedestrians and recruit them.
– In Weapons you will be able to remove all the weapons or put some of them randomly.
– The way to obtain vehicles has been completely changed, now it uses a mod called “Vehicle Spawner by ZAZ”.
– In Vehicles, there will be a Portable Transfender option, applicable for any vehicle.
– In Teleportation you can choose the area of the map you prefer by navigating with a cursor.
– Teleportation in version 1.1 is now called “Teleportation to fixed location”.
– In Teleportation you can now choose between all the interiors of the game.
– In Teleportation there will be an option that will teleport you to a random part of the map.
– In Game you can now modify the speed of the game.
– In Game you will be able to remove Project Kaizo mod help messages (warnings, use of cleo mods, etc.).
– In Game you can change the weapons that appear by default in the bands.
– In game you can activate/deactivate girlfriends, as well as activate the “Hot Coffee” minigame.
– The option to make out with the second player in the free world is back. This feature can be activated in Options.
– The second player can attach himself to the first player’s vehicle, in case he has no seats. This feature can be disabled in Options.
– Players will be able to give each other weapons, in the style of The Warriors. This feature can be disabled in Options.
– The second player can appear each time with a different skin. This feature can be activated in Options.
– Story missions will now fail if the second player is killed/arrested.
– Anti-softlock shortcut is not only limited to quests.
– It includes 26 cleo mods that can be activated from another menu using L1 + DOWN. You can only use one cleo mod at a time.

March 5, 2022
– Text correction.
– Added a shortcut to the skin selector for the first player.
– Reduced particle effects of the “Super Star” cleo mod.
– losmisteriosdelgtasa and RaiCan skins no longer generate special items.
– Change progress with girlfriends is now in the Girlfriends option, and not in Stats.
– Removed “Lunatic Cage” mod cleo for causing crashing problems.
– Removed the easter egg of the 16 collectibles.
– Changed the skin selector of the second player. Now uses the same as the first player, and can play with any character in the game.
– Updated copyright screen.
– Changed the activation to release a softlock.
– Fixed not being able to choose the “Walk on Water” cleo mod in the 2-player cleo mods menu.

October 9, 2022
– Necessary downgrades were made in each version to be a stable mod.
– Any reference to the word “cleo” was removed. This is so as not to create misinterpretations since cleo for PS2 is real, and my project does not take advantage of this feature, they are only mods adapted from PC.
– You can choose the jetpack on page 29 of the Vehicle Spawner.
– Gaps in some menu options were closed.
– The “Life Regeneration” and “Never Wanted” options have been removed, because they slowed down the mods and/or stayed active for no apparent reason.
– Official PS VITA release – This is an individually reviewed version (Read below for details).
– In “Credits” added warning of blocking on YouTube channel by not respecting content created to entertain and inform.
– NTSC only: Removed the special feature of the custom model.
– NTSC Only: Now defaults to Modern Widescreen mod.
– There will now be 3 NTSC versions available for download, a Spanish, Portuguese and English version (FULL ISO’s).
– Minor corrections in the Portuguese translation.
– Fixed the bug that when saving the game, the game was corrupted and froze, causing the user to restart the console.
– It is now mandatory to activate a respawn point before making the second player appear. On PS3 this feature is not possible.
– The Proper Radar mod is included by default in version 1.3.
– Easter Egg in a texture added.
– Optimized processes such as better view when getting into different vehicles, and the action of getting into a vehicle together and separately.
– Added 2 Player Deluxe features, such as automatic teleportation when players are separated (70mts in Project Kaizo) and automatic vehicle attachment (same activation as previous versions).
– Fixed that you could open the mods menu and activate a respawn point at the same time.


– Kaizo M Mod creator, main idea, adaptations to all platforms, cleo mods and language adaptations.
– ArTuRMV Major validations, support, PS2 beta tester and Portuguese language corrections.

– Vivelapsp and PTMG team for cheat menu base.
– Daniel Santos for SNPatch Alpha 0.1 (PS2 NSTC only).
– Skatefilter5 for the original idea of making the second player appear whenever.
– ZAZ and MegaFox for basic cleo tutorials, SCM and his idea to make savegames compatible.
– ZAZ for vehicle spawner script in Project Kaizo main menu.
– Diogo Santos (BS) for extracting and removing all useless stuff from PTMG cheat menu.
– Nights744 for his code to make players have different vehicles dynamically.
– UNRATED69 and several scripts taken from his famous PC cheat menu.
– Nadalao for code to enter the same vehicle, random teleportation and random weapons.

– Streetskulls and Rai Can for his CJ’s outfit.
– Trolencio911 and losmisteriosdelgtasa for their video of how to dress as their CJ.
– Bellik28, AlexRed295, SaacK, Huggito, AnotherRandomGuy and Lautiz for support.

– Laevateinn by Ryosuke
– Float Gun by Ryosuke
– Master Spark by Ryosuke
– Portal Gun by Raikov Raidenovich
– Magic Mop by Ryosuke
– Missing Riding by ZAZ
– FPS Counter by Nawfer
– Dance with Homies by ZAZ
– Cloning Peds by Sder
– Turret Mode by Sanya
– Kiss All Girls by ZAZ
– Crazy Trains by Dr. John13
– Shoot Cars by Alex59
– Super CJ by VC1976JLN
– Haisen Train, Gungnir and Lunatic Cage have unknown authors.
– FOV Editor by RafalSzm
– Jump Ramp by ZAZ
– Simple Free Cam v2.0 by Junnior Djjr
– Walk on water by SameShine2k18
– Enter as Passenger by unknown author.
– Carmageddon, Super Star, Experimental First Person and It’s raining peds by Kaizo M