Thank @Yash Vardhan

Here is what is enhanced:

1.All riders of MotoGP/Moto2/Moto3/Legends riders now run with HD suits and now look like to be wear actual leathers. Earlier riders looked like they are wearing some weird clay like low-res textures which was very apparent when in replay or free camera mode. Only the rider you were playing with had HD textures.

2.Enhanced lighting and reflections on Qatar which misses any reflections in the original game.

3.Jerez now has its yellow-greenish grass just like in real life.

4.Several other minor track enhancements depending on the track.

5.PC/PS4 like reflections for bikes and riders.

6.Color/brightness correction for Repsol Honda bikes as they look unnaturally dark in the vanilla game.

The thing to note here is that, all of this makes no difference on the overall performance of the game as no changes have been made to the code itself. This also shows how milestone intentionally downgraded the PS3/X360 version just to show how good the next-gen version looks and how powerful PS4 is. Even if these consoles do not support Yebis 2, there’s no reason for the game to look as bad as they do considering that MotoGP 13 almost looks and plays 1:1 to its PC counterpart except for the resolution. Although, i will admit memory limitation is a problem on these consoles as directlly transferring the PC tracks will cause some textures to not load. Nothing that milestone’s compression couldn’t have fixed however, but that’s just how they chose to release the game. One last thing i want to mention, this version doesn’t feature the DLC content and that’s for a reason. The additional riders of the Moto2 and Moto3 DLC seriously impact the performance even without my HD suits modification, dipping consistently to as low as 18-22 FPS while racing, again, bad optimization on milestone’s part. Hence I would not recommend to use the DLC with this version. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts about this.